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  • Addison Coffee Roasters Store
  • 972.404.1145
  • 15012 Beltway Drive Addison, TX 75001

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About Us

At Addison Coffee Roasters, our passion is to explore every corner of the coffee world in search of exciting and memorable flavors. Our mission is to bring those flavors to our customers through skillful roasting and an obsession with freshness. We began this journey in 1984, when we roasted our first batch of coffee. Even after more than 39 years in the business, we find that the ever-changing world of coffee still has surprises and treats in store for us and for our customers. That is what keeps us interested and fresh!

Our search has led us to find treasures in origins such as Bolivia and Honduras, as well as exciting coffees from better-known origins such as Ethiopia, Sumatra, and Colombia. It has also led us to the many small farmers who are growing traditional coffee varieties in a way that respects both their environment and the people. Fair Trade and organic coffees are becoming an increasingly important part of out portfolio, not only because of their social and environmental importance, but because they often offer unique flavors that can’t be duplicated with newer farming technologies. It is important to us to support these traditional growers, so the special tastes they offer don’t disappear from the coffee world. We are a true craft roaster, roasting our coffees in small batches. We use a traditional drum roaster, updated with modern electronic controls, to achieve a perfect combination of consistency and depth of flavor. Most importantly, we make every effort to ship our coffee fresh out of the roaster, so it retains the flavor that makes it special. 

